Join the Fight

Dear Reader

I am soooooooo excited. There is a big change to the landing page of CCPP’s website. Formerly, when a visitor clicked on the “Join the Fight” button, CCPP just asked for contact details.

NOW, when a visitor clicks on the “Join the Fight” a PayPal form will appear that the visitor can use to make a financial donation! Why should you donate? There are a couple of good reasons.

Reversing climate change ain’t gonna be cheap. Your donation will help CCPP to pay for the Permaculture Incubator Program.

For example, we need to pay for technical assistance from a permaculture expert. So what’s that going to cost? We figure $50/hr x 8hrs/wk x 36wks per yr x 2yrs = $ 28,800

That’s just the technical assistance. If we can’t get someone to donate them then we will have to purchase tractors, amendments, seeds and seedlings, etc.

However, making a donation can help YOU, too. CCPP is a 501c3 private operating foundation. As such, when you pay your taxes, you can deduct 60% of your donation from your adjusted gross income. Donating to a regular 501c3 nonprofit, you can only deduct 30%.

Don’t believe me? Check it out:

In other words, by helping to save the planet from climate change, you won’t have to pay so much tax. It is like putting money back in your pocket.

I invite you to try out our new “Join the Fight” button. It’s really slick. You’re going to like it. Thanks in advance.

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